serverless Featured Create your own DownNotifier with OpenFaaS I went to a three weeks holiday during august, and I was happy to see that my blog (hosted on an old Raspberry Pi 1) kept working the whole time! Call it good or bad luck, but on the day I returned my blog just stopped working. I discovered it
docker Kittens vs Tarsiers - an introduction to serverless machine learning In this first part of this blog post series we will develop a serverless function to identify Doppelgängers. We will be using Functions as a Service (FaaS), which is a framework for building serverless functions with Docker, TensorFlow for image recognition. Needless to say, we will be using Docker. Throw
serverless Old and new - ASCII art and serverless In this post, we will build a FaaS function for creating Ascii banners without writing a single line of code. Why? Well because Ascii banners are nice! Wait! We said no code! For that, we will use, Figlet: FIGlet is a program for making large letters out of ordinary text
docker Create a Morse Code serverless FaaS function in Quick Basic! Why? Why would anyone sane code using such an old language? Why not? - JM After my quick dive into FaaS, I was thinking what would be the oldest language I've written with and how much time would it take me to wrap it up in a Docker image and
docker Moby and LinuxKit: Building a custom minimal, immutable Linux distributions You can also have a go at the interactive tutorial I built here: LinuxKit 101: building the redis-os from DockerCon2017 You can now build your first #LinuxKit OS interactively in the web through PWD thx to @jmkhael. @moby @docker — Marcos Nils (@marcosnils) May 14, 2017 Moby
continuous-deployment Continuously deploying (and backing up) my blog As you should know if you scroll to the bottom of my pages, my blog is "Proudly published with Docker, Ghost and ABC Theme on my Raspberry Pi" And as you should also know by now, I am pretty much lazy. If I won the award for laziness, I would
docker Deploy Swarm Services with the new docker `stack` and a compose file! On of the new additions of Docker 1.13 is the ability to use compose files to deploy swarm mode services! This means that we can use docker-compose files to provision Swarm services. That also means that we do not need anymore to type all the long docker service create
docker Makefiles for your Dockerfiles In this quick post, we will be adding a Makefile to ease our Docker commands... After doing that, we would be able to: Build the image if the Dockerfile change with: make Release for the registry stratus-clay:18078/jmkhael and version 1.2.3: make release -e NS=stratus-clay:18078/
docker Collect all Logs From a Docker Swarm Cluster This post is rather a quick cliff notes of Victor Farcic post where he forwards all logs from all containers running inside a Docker Swarm Cluster. Logspout is the magic that makes this possible. Logspout is a log router for Docker containers that runs inside Docker. It attaches to all
docker Load balance a Swarm Service behind HA Proxy with automatic reconfiguration In this blog post, I'll be using Victor Farcic (Cloudbees senior employee, Docker captain, written books about Devops) Docker flow proxy and docker flow swarm listener to reconfigure an HAproxy based on a Swarm service! If you want to see how to do the same with Traefik, check this post!
docker Scalable, and highly available (and Over engineered) "Hello, world" stack Building on what we've learned in previous posts about Docker, in this blog post, we will implement an over engineered Hello world service. This will be deployed on a Docker Swarm cluster, and will be composed of 3 services: * hello-svc: will handle answering the "Hello" part * world-svc: will handle answering
docker Rolling upgrades? In the previous post we deployed our Swarm service on the public cloud, Amazon EC2. In this post, we will play a bit with Rolling upgrades, and use some visualization tools to see what's going on our Docker cluster. Let's go! Docker Visualizer Before we install the Visualizer, let me
docker Deploy your service on the cloud In the previous post we created Swarm service, deployed our greeter service, scaled it and even touched a bit the high availability feature of Docker Swarm. In this post, we will go to the Cloud! Docker Cloud In this post I am going to show you how to deploy to
docker Scaling my microservice In the previous post we built and published our first microservice for the world to see! Congratulate yourself! When we started thinking about how to scale that thing, we faced several questions. One of them about how to load balance them, how to handle discovery, high availability, how to handle
docker Microservice heaven with Docker In the previous post we built and published our first image for the world to see. Sadly, it doesn't do anything of importance besides being based on an Ubuntu image. In this post we will make it more useful. (A bit more) Basically, we will: 1. Write code of our
docker Building and publishing a Docker image In the previous post, we pulled an image built by someone, and executed it, using commands such as: docker run hello-world, docker run ubuntu /bin/echo hello world or the more convoluted docker run -d -p 8081:8081 -p 18078:18078 -p 18079:18079 --name nexus -v /data/nexus/nexus-data:
docker Installing a Docker registry As we discussed in the previous post a registry is a stateless, highly scalable server side application that stores and lets you distribute Docker images. - In this post we will explain how to install our "on premises Docker registry". I will use a Nexus
docker Hello Docker In Dockerland, there are Registries, images and there are containers. The three are closely intertwined, but distinct. An image is worth a thousand words What is this Docker registry? The Registry is a stateless, highly scalable server side application that stores and lets you distribute Docker images. - https://docs.
docker What powers this blog? Ghost and Docker! Run Ghost blog in a Docker container by doing: docker run --name ghost-blog -d -p 80:2368 alexellis2/ghost-on-docker:latest That's it!! Cannot be simpler... (in fact it can ;) ) Will it hold the load? A quick benchmark using ApacheBench yields a 100-120 request/second: ab -c 4